Chess Colab

C - PROJECT SHOWCASE So, after the announcement about the C-Project Showcase was made, me and Sunny teamed up to do the project together. We had to develop a software using C programming language. The software could be anything but it should be fully functional and also should have a great UI(User Interface). Project Selection and Preparation The moment it was decided that we both were teams, I got fixated that we should be doing Chess, But, also I was a little doubtful whether we would be able to complete this within the given time because Chess is a complex game. In Chess, every piece has its own way of working and some special moves and conditions like Castling, Check, Checkmate and Stalemate were a little hard to program. We even thought of backing off and selecting another topic for our project. But later, I was convinced that we would be able to complete it. So, we decided the project that we were gonna do. Our project was to create a Chess Engine...